Monday, December 06, 2010

The First Week of Advent

Caroline drew these on the first Sunday of Advent
She plans to draw a flame on another candle on the wreath each Sunday

First candle lit on the Advent wreath

Ornaments hung on the Jesse Tree (we are doing the daily readings along with the Holy Heroes kids)

straws in the "good deed manger" to make a soft place for baby Jesus in our home and our hearts

one candle "lit" on our poster

our December family altar

Look Around the Stable after one week

Other Happenings:
* St. Andrew's Christmas Novena during evening prayer time
* Empty stable is out and waiting
* Wooden priest is wearing his purple vestments
* Advent songs and hymns during Circle Time

This Week:
* Mary, angel, and Joseph from our nativity set appear; animals in stable
* Lots of feasting! St. Nicholas Day, Immaculate Conception of Mary, Our Lady of Guadalupe and St. Juan Diego's feast days
* Angel Tree shopping and gift-wrapping


  1. Thank you for linking to the Jesse Tree ornaments! I looked around and could only find heirloom handmade sets to order for $$$$ or printables that weren't free!
    Not sure I will add it this year since this is our first year doing an Advent wreath, don't want to add too much in one year...but I am definitely going to print this out to use next year!

  2. Let me know if you figure out how to print it without the bottom row of ornaments running off the page!!
