Thursday, November 18, 2010

Subliminal Message?

Noticed this today while my tank was filling up... do you see in the instructions the image of the finger selecting the fuel grade? Hmm, it happens to be selecting the most expensive grade! Wonder if that was done intentionally or not? Clever marketing, or unintentional? Maybe illiterate people will claim discrimination? Or those who do not read English?

Just a random photo thought for the day...
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  1. I hate when I park on the side where the expensive grade ends up on the far left....I've almost messed up that several times!

  2. I'd say that's totally a subliminal message. As a side note, I have to let you know that I didn't even know you had a to push a button for the type of gas you want. I live in NJ where we aren't allowed to pump our own gas (Thanks be to God!) so I haven't a clue as to how the gas pumping procedure goes outside of me popping the door for the gas tank, handing the attendant the card and telling him to fill it with regular.

  3. Anonymous4:27 PM

    Heath messed up and put the expensive grade in once because it was reversed and the expensive one was the furthest to the left. I am sure it was intentional but I never noticed it before.
