Thursday, September 02, 2010

First Day of School!

Today was Caroline's first day of Kindergarten!

The girls got new crayons to be used just on school work (or, for Cecilia, just when Caroline is doing school work if she wants).

Caroline designed a cover for her Nature Notebook

We spent most of the morning exploring different tools and activities that we'll be using throughout the year. Caroline picked up pretty quickly on counting by tens on the abacus, which surprised me. I made some self-checking cards for her to practice forming different numbers.

We got this pegboard from Chris's parents. It will be great for Cecilia to play with for fine motor practice... Caroline liked playing with it, too!

Transferring beads using small tongs, another fine motor skill

Cecilia with a stacking activity... I picked it up at Tuesday Morning on clearance a while back and had been saving it.

Cecilia matching lids to their containers

Caroline's Nature Notebook cover

Exploring the Cuisenaire Rods


  1. Anonymous10:03 AM

    I like the matching lids to containers activity. That might occupy Leah for a little bit. I am a little jealous that I couldn't get my act together enough to do more of this with Brianna last year or Kate this year. I love your organization and wish I was even close. I guess 5 kids and not a minute to myself will do that. Each year is getting better and I am trying to see the big picture. Also, where did you get the abacus. I've been wanting one.

  2. Yeah, the lids occupy Cecilia... she tries to match them a bit, but then she carries them around the house and pretends to drink out of them, feed her stuffed animals, etc. - whatever keeps her busy, although I am trying to limit the wandering around with the lids because then they get lost...

    I definitely couldn't have been so organized if I had five kids, I know! Especially when one of them is under age 2... with a baby for at least the first year, I don't even have time in the evenings to myself to do this kind of planning. In years where there is a baby, I will probably have to go to a more canned curriculum due to lack of time. I think your kids have a benefit of being able to form strong relationships with each other due to them being close in age, which is part of that bigger picture. I think you are doing great for having five kids age 6 and under!

    I got the abacus at Tuesday Morning for cheap... one of those random things I came across in there. I love that store, because I always find something useful if I go in once every few months.

  3. Beth, the fact that you can even get a shower with all the busy-ness that I imagine goes on in your house is impressive to me! You are doing great!
    Erin, I have fond memories of that peg board. It is sweet to see the girls enjoying it.

  4. I love the pics of Caroline, she looks like such a 5yo coming off of summer...long legged, freckled, changing teeth, tan lines...hehe.
