Sunday, September 19, 2010

Feast of the Triumph of the Cross

We celebrated this feast day last week, on September 14th. This day celebrates the finding of the cross by St. Helena. I found a fun idea from Catholic Cuisine for this day in which you make cross-shaped cookies and hide them around the house. One is frosted red, marking it as the "true cross," while the others are left plain. Well, we didn't make cookies... I made craft stick crosses instead and painted one of them red. Caroline was so excited when she found the "true cross," hidden on a bookshelf next to the children's Bible!

She carried the cross around the rest of the day. As you can see, she used it along with our play-doh!

We baked focaccia and then shaped it into a cross shape. We covered it with basil pesto, because legend has it that the hill on which the cross was found was covered in basil plants. The girls helped to spread the dough into the cross shape and to put some sun dried tomatoes on to represent the wounds of Christ.

This recipe came from my King Arthur whole grains cookbook and it was soooo yummy! We ate it along with spaghetti and pesto.

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