Friday, August 13, 2010

St. Augustine Beach Part Two

Caroline has gotten so brave and made incredible strides in her swimming this summer! She took a week of swim lessons, which really helped boost her confidence in being in the water. She learned to put her face in and jump off the side, and she has been really enjoying the pool on our vacation!

Caroline practicing swimming to Gramma

Cecilia learned how to use her feet to push off people's hands and jump in the water

Caroline taught herself to do a front flip in the water - wow!!

Cecilia liked to hold at least one hand when jumping into the pool

Cecilia likes to swim alone - with water wings

Another flip from Caroline

Caroline started jumping in alone, with nobody waiting for her in the water below!

Cecilia likes putting her face in the water

Caroline began swimming with her face in the water, too!

Sweet sisters

This gazebo thingy was along the boardwalk, about halfway to the beach from our condo. This is the view from outside our back door of our condo.

When Grandaddy and Leila came down from Jacksonville to visit for a day, we sat out on the patio and had yummy appetizers: spinach, artichoke, and crab dip, and mixed nuts. Caroline probably ate a cup of nuts!

Grandaddy and Leila with Julianne

All the great-granddaughters with their great-grandparents

Grandaddy with the girls inside the condo

some shots of Julianne

Crystal, my brother Mike's wife, washing some dishes...

...while Mike dries them!

My birthday dessert that I made (I used my birthday as an excuse to make something this unhealthy and that is not on my diet at all, here at the beach where there would be lots of people to help me eat them!): Irish Car Bomb Cupcakes. They were so good!!

My dad flying a kite... see the string? It looks like he was superimposed on a beach background... but he was really standing right there. I think it looks like a merging of Clint Eastwood and a Marlboro ad...

Enjoying the beach!

This was taken just before Grandaddy and Leila left... Cecilia was taking a nap, and Caroline is in her pajamas because I forgot to bring some clothes out of the bedroom after putting Cecilia down.

Here's a view of the pool at our condo

Caroline swimming with her face in

Cecilia would call out, "Everybody - watch me!" before pushing off the step into the water

What a jump!

Caroline swimming across the deep part of the pool!

Cecilia jumps in from the ladder in the deep end - she kept saying, "I'm going to the lat-ter."

Lobster, Wahoo, and shrimp for dinner! The shrimp was inside, being fried.

My dad does the grilling

a view of the boardwalk from our condo

Heading down to the beach in the evening to tke some photos on our last evening there

My hubby <3

The tide was way out

Caroline took this photo herself!

A guy who was also staying in our condo complex offered to take this photo of the four of us when he noticed that we were taking photos.

Goodbye, beach! ;(

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