Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Mysteries of the Rosary Box

It is completed, finally! This was made in much the same way as the Stations of the Cross Box, with a symbol for each mystery. There is a card for each of the twenty Mysteries and a separate strip that has the name of each Mystery for matching purposes. I decided to put them all in one box rather than separating them by Joyful, Luminous, Sorrowful, and Glorious... but they can be pulled out separately if need be for different times of the liturgical year.

These are the Joyful Mysteries, which cover Jesus's conception through childhood: an angel ornament for the Annunciation, a pro-life fetal model for the Visitation, a small newborn baby figurine for the Nativity of Jesus, a candle for the Presentation (because Simeon declared that Jesus was a "light" for the world), and a scroll for the Finding in the Temple.

Here are the Luminous Mysteries, which focus on Jesus's adult life on earth: there is a seashell for the Baptism of Jesus, a wine glass for the Miracle at the Wedding at Cana, a prayer card of the Act of Contrition for the Proclamation of the Kingdom, a white garment for the Transfiguration, and a "host" (a white poker chip with a cross drawn on it) for the Institution of the Eucharist at the Last Supper.

Here are the Sorrowful Mysteries, which detail Christ's Passion: a toothpick (supposed to be Peter's sword) for the Agony in the Garden, a whip (toothpick with string attached) for the Scourging, a thorny rosebush twig for the Crowning with Thorns, a cross made of craft sticks for the Carrying of the Cross, and three nails for the Crucifixion.

Finally, the Glorious Mysteries, occurring after Jesus's death: a stone for the Resurrection, a cotton ball "cloud" for the Ascension, a pinwheel (symbolizing the wind when the Holy Spirit descended) for Pentecost, a sprig of rosemary for the Assumption of Mary, and a crown made of cardstock and stick-on jewels for the Coronation of Mary.

This was fun to make, and hopefully will provide several years of useful, hands-on learning about the Mysteries of the Rosary! My five year old is enjoying it so far, and with all the matching of the titles with the pictures, I can easily see this being something we'll use throughout the elementary years!

All the cards (and the initial idea!) were found here... I covered them in contact paper after printing.


  1. this is totally awsome!! thank you for sharing the idea!!

  2. Awesome idea! Thank you for sharing!

  3. I really like this idea. I'm going to have to make one of these boxes for my girls.

    I also tapped you for a blogging award on my blog.

  4. Love LOvE LOVE this!!! We will totally be making one, and I'm saving this link with a big happy face beside it :-)

  5. This has been on my to-do list for awhile. I hope you come link it at my rosary link up party! :-)

  6. Great find. Thanks so much for sharing. My son is almost five and this is a perfect way to get him involved as I begin to more and more share/teach my prayer life to him. Also I plan on using this in my teaching this Saturday on virtues. I know we are strangers but please pray for this teaching to have impact on our group.

  7. Wonderful! Oh how I love finding treasures like this on Pinterest!!
