Saturday, May 29, 2010

Kids Say the Darndest Things

We went to a local lake to swim on Thursday morning. We have to pay $3 for a parking permit there (it is going up to $5 in June - waah). As we drove out of the parking lot to go home, Caroline asked, "Mommy, do we have to pay to unpark?"

And Cecilia calls sunscreen "scrunscreen" - so cute!

And this is totally unrelated, but I just realized how very old our car is... I was 17 years old when it was made!!! And I am almost 31 now!!! I can't believe I was actually only 22 when we bought it... wow, I almost can't believe I was ever 22 years old at all. Seems surreal...


  1. hehe - cute! Lovely called sunscreen - sun SCREAM lol!! Love kids....

  2. erin, the time thing becomes more surreal the older you become - like when you realize you've been married more than half of your life or your high school years are 30 or more years in your past. however, in your mind, it seem like 10 or 12 years ago. when you mentioned the age of your car, i was thinking that can't be, but then just do the math.
