Monday, May 10, 2010

Daybook for Monday, May 10

Outside my window... It was a rainy day, overcast and cool today. Figures, since I just put away all the long sleeves and pants a week ago!

I am thinking... about buying some things for homeschooling next fall. I am hashing out plans in my mind. One thing I came up with is that I want to read a bit of a chapter book each evening with Caroline before bed. Stuff that is classic and good for age 5 and 6 year olds. I have come up with Charlotte's Web, Ramona the Pest (since she is in Kindergarten herself in that one, although I remember its reading level being higher than Ramona the Brave, where she is in 1st grade... hmmm). Any suggestions?

I am also thinking of printing off a bunch of stuff in advance, once I nail down exactly what I want to do!

I am wondering... still wondering when my prize will arrive in the mail. And wondering what craft idea to do this week with the girls. Something for Our Lady of Fatima, perhaps... or something spring-y and flowery.

I am thankful... for my mother and my mother-in-law, on this day after Mother's Day.

I am also thankful for this incredibly done video on co-sleeping. I was surprised to see a mainstream media outlet cover this topic with this much depth and accuracy. I really cannot say enough how much I loved watching it... and if you know me on Facebook, you may have seen that I posted it there as well. Very good information, and maybe a good one to show to that nagging relative who genuinely thinks you are going to kill your baby by co-sleeping with him but would trust something put out by a mainstream news outlet (I am also thankful to not have any of those relatives!).

I am hearing... Chris is working on importing old family videos... I was hearing 18 month old Caroline at the beach on the balcony, yelling, "Beeeeee!" (big) as a tractor drove by grading the sand on the beach. I am also streaming this on my computer. You know, until that prize comes. ;) Nice of them to put it online like that, though.

Learning at home... mental math with Caroline. She comes up with these things on her own. One of the readings at Mass this weekend included the part from Revelation about the city walls with 12 gates, three facing each compass direction... and on our Garden of the Good Shepherd, it happened to be the day that we put up the city gate sticker. The sticker shows five gates along what appears to be the front of a wall. So Caroline tells us that there must be five other gates on the back side, and a gate on each end, for 12 gates in all. When asked how she figured that out, she said, "I just thought about it."

From the kitchen... I made a big pot of homemade enchilada sauce today. It makes the equivalent of five cans, and into the deep freeze they go for all our Mexican meals. We had fajitas tonight, but not with enchilada sauce. ;) Last night was veggie lasagna. Later in the week: tomato, mozzarella, and pesto sandwiches.

I am reading... just blogs and homeschooling stuff, craft ideas, etc. I just ordered the Flat Belly Diet book - my mom has been doing it with good success! I want to read this book, but as you can see, it costs a pretty penny since it is out of print. I want to read it over the summer though...

To live the liturgical year... we did our May Crowning yesterday, and we are hoping to do something for the Ascension this Thursday. We are seeing if our friends are available for a park day with an Ascension-themed lunch.

One of my favorite things... hot chocolate. Since it was in the 50s and rainy today, the craving popped back into my head!

And this photo below is one of my favorites ever of Cecilia, I think... the expression, the position, the band-aid on the knee, the outfit from whenever it was that Gymboree's tag looked like one of these from 1998 or earlier...

I am creating... I actually did something crafty recently besides the Mary crowns, and now I can't remember what it was... does that ever happen to other people?

Around the house... didn't get to that desk organizing. Of course not, right? ;) I should stop procrastinating and do it.

A few plans for the rest of the week... we had La Leche League today. Wednesday is Mother's Morning Out. Thursday might be our park day with friends. On Sunday, we have a birthday party to attend for a little girl who will be five years old!

A picture thought I am sharing... you may have noticed I was sharing them throughout. ;) We had some nice weather and outside time, strawberry-picking and such, last week. Here is one last picture of some watercolor painting that Caroline did last week. She gave it to Chris to hang on the wall in his office:


  1. random thoughts... is that a stuffed curious george doll? b/c we have one too and emmie LOVES it! he is her best friend some days. so cute!

    also, book ideas would be "charlie and the chocolate factory" or "the phantom tollbooth". both fun chapter books. esp phantom b/c it has lots of english/language stuff in it. didn't think about that until we were reading it here. matt would ask all kinds of questions about the meanings of words, etc. but both are very imaginative books, if that is along the lines of what you are looking for. also, shel silverstein peotry books can be fun.

  2. Love the pictures of the girls. They are getting so big!

    One chapter book recommendation I have is Uncle Wiggley's Storybook. Princess has enjoyed it a lot. It's about the adventures of Uncle Wiggley the gentleman rabbit. It also has a strong sense of justice and right and wrong that kinder-aged kids crave. Each chapter tells about one of Uncle Wiggley's adventure and at the end of the chapter it has a "teaser" for the next chapter. The writing is a bit in the time period it was written, but it's not bad. It is a gem!

    There's also a board game that goes along with it. Big boy likes playing as well. It's great number practice for him and reading practice for Princess. Here's the link...


  3. Yes, Kate, it is a Curious George. We had another that was Caroline's, and she never played with it. So we donated it to Salvation Army. Then Cecilia got this one, and neither kid played with it, so I put it in the "donate" bag too, but lo and behold, Cecilia discovered it and has been carrying it around a lot now. I'd say it is her favorite of all our stuffed animals.

    Thanks for the book recommendations, too! Sue, I saw yours and told blogger to publish it, but it is not showing up for some reason... I did also think of using the Winnie-the-Pooh books as read-alouds, although we have already read most of them before... but they are so good!

  4. James and the Giant Peach and The Mouse and the Motorcycle.

  5. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Nice blog and wonderful to see the Catholic family being promoted.
    Greetings from Ireland

    You are more than welcome to visit

    God Bless!

  6. Anonymous5:52 PM

    I liked Mrs. Piggle Wiggle and we also did the Velveteen Rabbit and Charlotte's Web this year. I also did the Mouse and the Motorcycle and Runaway Ralph. Let me know if you read some you like, we are always on the lookout for good chapter books for the younger kids.
