Thursday, April 29, 2010

Trip to the Creative Discovery Museum

I decided it was time for a daytrip somewhere, so we headed to Chattanooga on Tuesday! While routine and repetition are good things for little kids, Cecilia has been in a rut lately, and when we go somewhere, she is in a much more pleasant demeanor! So we had a fun day at the children's museum.

The girls started off playing in the doctor's office area:

Caroline comes at me with an Ace bandage!

The traveling exhibit upstairs was about good nutrition. Cecilia loved this fish she found in a play kitchen area:

Cecilia met some new friends, live frogs in a tank, which she watched for several minutes. "Heyyyyyy, froggie froggie froggie!" she said in a high-pitched voice:

Caroline uses a pulley to lift some play food into a tree house:

Cecilia practiced her climbing skills a lot. She is strong and up to the challenge!

Outside, on the rooftop area... Caroline could pull herself up in the pulley chair, but Cecilia just enjoyed swinging in it.

In the four-and-under area...

And the best part, the water play area! There is also a climbing structure up above the water.

We usually stay at the museum until about one o'clock and then go get lunch, but today we got there a bit later than normal - 10:45 - and it was the first time I had to pay for Cecilia's admission, so I wanted it to be worth the money. So we stayed until almost 2:00 and then went to Greenlife, a natural supermarket, for lunch. We often go to Mellow Mushroom when we've gone here in the past with friends, but we'd had pizza the night before, and we had nobody to share a big Mellow Mushroom pizza with!


  1. Anonymous6:41 PM

    Looks fun! We want to go soon but I can't take mine by myself! I asked Heath to take off a day so we can go.

  2. I would have loved to been able to go with you. Sounds like fun, as always. We'll plan an outing after school is finished.

  3. Thanks so much for visiting the Creative Discovery Museum! We are so glad the girls had a good time and enjoyed our Good For You exhibit upstairs. We hope to see you again soon.

    Lynda LeVan
    Dir. of External Affairs
    Creative Discovery Museum
