Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Welcome, Baby Julianne!

My new niece was born last week on Monday, March 22 - the day after Caroline's birthday! She weighed in at 8 lbs. 2 oz. She was born after a long labor, during which a nurse finally discovered that she was breech, which was why labor was progressing so very slowly! Perhaps if she had been head down, she would have shared a birthday with her cousin Caroline!

I took the girls to help out their Aunt Crystal this past Monday. We went and helped a bit around the house and with food preparation, and we brought them some supplies like a basket of snacks and some diapers. Baby Julianne is so tiny and sweet, such a sleepy little newborn, but an excellent and vigorous nurser - at only a few days old, her weight was already back close to her birth weight... just 3 ounces shy of it, in fact!

So, this post is just a bunch of "Aww, how sweet!" photos of Caroline and Cecilia with their new little niece!

Most precious picture ever!

Welcome to the world, Julianne Elizabeth Nadolski!!!


  1. She's beautiful just like her big cousins.

  2. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Aww how sweet! She is such a cute baby!

  3. awwwwwwww! how sweet!!! (yeah, I said it!)
