Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Caroline's 5th Birthday!

Caroline turned five on March 21, and we had a party for her with family this past Saturday... I am now getting around to posting photos. She said she wanted a cat cake, and for it to have pink frosting. At first I thought I'd just make a cat head - round cake, make some cupcakes and cut into triangles for ears... but then I did a quick online search and found this easy pattern using two round cake layers.

Here's another picture... neither came out too well - one too light and the other too dark - so I posted them both.

Caroline got to lick the beaters after I had made the frosting. Her Gran made the cake for me the night before. It was a devil's food cake recipe from the King Arthur Whole Grains cookbook. The frosting was this strawberry frosting recipe that I have been using for a few years.

Here's the table, all set with cake, crackers and cheeseball, Coke, and Southern Comfort punch for the adults.

Caroline opened presents first. This one is from Mommy and Daddy.

I made her three little dolls - made very simply, so she could play with them outside. That way it won't matter if they get dirty. I thought it'd be fun for her to have some little figures that she could make live in trees and such...

Here she is holding up two of them. They are just little peg doll forms with pipe cleaner arms, wooden beads for hands, yarn for hair, and felt dresses that I stitched up the sides. The yarn and beads are attached using hot glue. Then I painted simple eyes and mouths on the faces.

Here Caroline opens a gift bag from Gran and Grandad. I told Uncle Tim he had to help her, because I knew there was a bike helmet inside... the bike helmet gift is a family joke (at Tim'sexpense) from childhood... sorry, Timmy! The bag also had some pajamas, card games, Snoopy magnets, and hair clips.

Gramma and Grampa brought Caroline this wooden doll cradle that my grandaddy made for me when I was little. They also brought the doll high chair he made, but it has come apart and needs repairs. The wrapped packages have matching spring dresses in them, one for each of the girls... Caroline loves for them to match.

Here she is wearing her helmet (which came with knee and elbow pads).

She also got this new backpack from Mommy and Daddy, made by my friend Jessi, and we gave her a new spout and lid for her water bottle... maybe this one will not get chewed up and broken!

Here she is by her cat cake!

Lighting the candles...

After blowing them out

Happy birthday, Caroline!! I can't believe how big you are getting - how tall and looking like a "big kid!" You are smart and funny and are a caring big sister. We love you a bunch!


  1. Yay! Happy Birthday Caroline!!!! 5 is a big milestone. The cake looks delicious!

  2. Happy Birthday!! Did you make those dolls out of that felt crafts book? I bought that book on amazon recently, it'd been sitting on my wishlist since you first posted about it...now I need to go to the craft store and look for wool felt!

  3. I think the Feltcraft book has something very similar in it... I did not make these from wool felt, just cheapie Wal-Mart felt. I used some nice wool felt when I made the seals from the Feltcraft book, but that stuff is expensive, and I don't know where to buy it locally. I based these dolls more on this idea for little saint dolls, which we might make next school year for Along the Alphabet Path (or I wil paint them... haven't decided which yet): http://craftyincoffeeland.blogspot.com/2007/05/because-mommyd-asked.html
