Friday, February 05, 2010

They're Playing "Our Song"

So, I thought this would be fun... anybody who wants to, leave a comment if you and your spouse have a song... whatever that means. You know, when couples say, "Oh, this is our song!" upon hearing it playing on the radio. Or write about it on your own blog and leave me a link.

My husband and I don't really have a song... although last night, I remembered that I had decided that we had a song, only I hadn't told him! Weird, yes, I know.

I decided it was "our song" because I heard it a couple times when we were dating, and I think Chris had it on his computer... and then, I decided it was definitely our song when we heard it on the radio at least one night while returning from our childbirth classes while pregnant with Caroline (I think we heard it on two different nights after our classes... I have a terrible memory about some things, though!).

So here's the song:

Gosh, as a side note, why were so many musicians just icky-looking in the 70s and 80s? Why is that?? Were there any attractive musicians in the 70s and 80s whose music I like? Any at all?

Last night, I finally thought about it and told Chris, "You know this is 'our song,' right? Then he informed me, "You know they (the members of Badfinger) all hated each other and killed themselves, right?" We looked it up on Wikipedia, and sure enough, two of them committed suicide, many years apart from each other, but both because of issues with their music. That's cheerful, no? And after they'd had much success and number one hits, some of them ended up laying carpet and insulating pipes just so they could support themselves and pay the bills. I would have thought that any musicians who'd had a few top hits would be set for life financially, but apparently many of them made bad decisions or got taken advantage of by their managers or... killed themselves. Maybe because of their financial failings despite having made it big. Depressing.

So, I'll just be pretending I don't know all that and just enjoy the song when I hear it!

Anybody else want to share what "your song" is? Hopefully yours makes more sense than mine! ;)


  1. Ours is Big & Rich "Lost in This Moment." I was complaining when we got engaged that we didn't have one, and my husband suggested this, since we had heard them sing it at a concert the month before.

    Of course, he loves to tease me by changing the lyrics. The chorus starts "Lost in this moment with you, I am completely consumed" and he usually sings "Stuck in this moment with you, I am completely confused." Don't tell him, but I think I love him even more for his goofiness!

  2. wow, I don't think I have ever heard that song before. Interesting backstory. I'll see if my husband thinks we have a song.

  3. Ours is very mushy! "From This Moment" duet with Shania Twain and Brain White! It came on the radio one night while we were in the car and we looked at each other and that was it!! It reeks of romance :)

  4. Thanks for the chuckle. I was going to write about what "Our" song is in your comment section, but quickly realized I had to write my own post. Check it out here

  5. Yeah, Carrie, it wan't exactly a current song back when we met in the late 90s!! It played on the radio here and there throughout the 80s in my memory... I think I am just a couple yrs older than you, right? I was born in August 1979. Shows what just a few years can do! I don't think I heard it at all throughout most of the 90s.

  6. My husband and i danced to "Love of my Live" by Jim Brinkan and Michael W Smith at our wedding so I guess that is "our song". Iit comes on the raido every now and then and i always think of our wedding. I know Allen does too.

  7. Anonymous7:59 PM

    We spent the few weeks before our wedding trying to come up with our song. Heath suggested George Strait's Cross My Heart. Very sweet song so I agreed. I was never much of a country music person but loved the lyrics! One time we were in the car and said the next song played on the radio would be our song, turns out it was a horrible song about New Years I don't think I have heard ever since then.

  8. Ooh, Beth, was the song about New Years "Another Old Lang Syne" by Dan Fogelberg? I love that song, in a very cheesy way, ha ha - but I would never want it to be "my song!"

  9. Let's Stay Together by Al Green. I love motown, was our wedding dance song.

  10. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Forgot to come back and answer your question. Unfortunately it wasn't that song, it was a much more obscure one I haven't heard before then or since then. It was a wierd song. I printed the stations box idea, lets see if I can implement any of it before lent is over. Thanks for all the good ideas!
