Monday, February 01, 2010

Daybook for February 1st

Outside my window... Caroline's "chicken house," which she rebuilt again today. Hopefully it won't rain on it tonight!

I am thinking... about how I can always tell when Cecilia is teething based on her sleep. If she has a tough night, or a really crabby day, I may wonder a bit what is wrong... and then, when I look in her mouth, it never fails: there is a red, almost bloody spot on her gums at the base of one of those mean ol' molars. The top molars first came through in November. We're working on two and a half months with these suckers... it's like they come in a bit and then stop moving for a few weeks before they do a bit more pushing through...

I am wondering... what to get Caroline for her birthday. Wasn't I wondering what to get her for Christmas when I last did a daybook entry many moons ago?
I am thankful... for a pro-life ad being on schedule to be aired during the Superbowl commercials!! Yay for Tim Tebow!

Learning at home... We've been doing winter and snow songs for Circle Time. Today, Caroline sewed for the first time... a few stitches with an embroidery needle through paper.

From the kitchen... just made some hummus and hot chocolate (not to be enjoyed together!! The hummus is for tomorrow!). We had butternut squash risotto for dinner... ohhhh, yum!
I am reading... blogs and the latest LLL magazine.To live the liturgical year... Lent is fast-approa
ching! I need to start getting ready for that. Tomorrow is Candlemas, or the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord. We are hosting a luncheon tea for friends, based on this idea... it should be fun!!

I am creating... magnets for March, Candlemas luncheon foods, paper turtledoves with Caroline...

Around the house... we set out our February stuff today... I got out a couple Valentine's Day books. Candlemas is the official day to take down the
nativity. Ours got taken down early this year and I didn't feel like getting it back out again, but we have a few little Mary and Child figures (at least, I think they look like Mary and baby Jesus, but they are really just some random mother and baby from the Dollar Tree!)... tomorrow will be their last day to be out.
I am hearing... "Cry for Help" playing on Youtube, which is open in another tab, and the little movements of Cecilia over the baby monitor.

One of my favorite things... sleep. I really should do more of that since I like it and all.

A few plans for the rest of the week...

* Candlemas Luncheon Tea tomorrow
* Caroline has MMO on Wednesday, and I think I'll get Cecilia's 2 year photos made then
* Possibly attending a wedding shower for a co-worker of Chris's on Friday
* I'm attending my sister-in-law's baby shower on Saturday... she's due in March with a baby girl!

A picture thought I am sharing...

Caroline experiments with symmetry

sweet sisters!

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