Wednesday, January 06, 2010

More Epiphany Fun!

Happy Epiphany, everyone, on the Traditional feast day! Yesterday, we made some Star of Bethlehem cookies! The girls had never helped me do sprinkles on cookies before... I found some all-natural sprinkles on sale at the local health food store. I think Cecilia ate them more than sprinkling them!

We used this set of star-shaped cookie cutters that I found at Wal-Mart on 50% off a few days after Christmas. Only $2.50, and I saw some more still there this past weekend in case anyone is interested... and they have some a set with an angel and a dove, also, which they oh-so-PC'ly label as the "Peace on Earth" cookie cutter set, ha ha!

The girls wanted to put tons of sprinkles on each cookie but soon discovered they would run out if they did that!

About to sample their work...

An up-close view... we tried the recipe in the King Arthur's whole grain cookbook - they actually have oats in them.

Then, last night, I baked a couple loaves of Gifts of the Magi bread for us to have for breakfast. They are filled with "rich treasures," (raisins, coconut, sliced almonds, mandarin oranges, chocolate chips, and blueberries - the recipe calls for marishino (sp?) cherries, but I don't like those) like the three kings presented to Jesus. I also subbed whole wheat flour for all the white flour and used Sucanat, about 3/4 cup instead of a whole cup, and I used a little less than the original amount of chocolate chips, and it turned out very moist, sweet, and yummy! We've eaten a whole loaf already!

What a treat for breakfast - Caroline was almost appalled that we were eating "chocolate for breakfast!!!" I assured her there'd only be a few chips in each slice of bread. ;)

Enjoy the last few days of the Christmas season!

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