Wednesday, January 06, 2010

A Few Fun Christmas Gifts

Here are a few of the fun gifts we got this year... we also got a new vacuum a few days into 2010, and while that is fun to me (you can watch the dirt swirl around in the canister - cool!), I didn't take a photo of it... not yet, anyway. Maybe I should. ;)

Picture frame collage from my brother Mike and his wife Crystal

My new kitchen sink - yay for stainless steel and more than six inches of depth!!!
This gift was a HUGE surprise from Hubby!
And, we got an unintentional new garbage disposal out of the deal!

The girls got this awesome wooden ark that we found on eBay (for an amazing deal!) - thanks for the money to pay for it for them, Papa!

Caroline's new castle - she and Cecilia both love to play with this!

An outdoor playhouse for the girls! Cecilia especially loves this and asks each day if we can "See playhouse?" Thanks, Gramma and Grampa!

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