Thursday, January 28, 2010

Family Fun Day

Chris had the day off for MLK day last week, so we had a family day by going to an indoor play place and to dinner. It was about an hour from our house. This place had a few inflatables, but mostly it was a huge wooden climbing structure with sand beneath it. Another cool feature was the air guns that shot foam balls. These photos came off my phone, so excuse their quality!

Cecilia enjoyed climbing, digging, and gathering foam balls. She didn't want to do the slides at all, but she went in a small inflatable which had a little slide part to it. Here she is climbing onto a bench under the play structure.

"Santa!" said Cecilia when she saw this pirate skull. Uhh.... no. Not Santa.

Here are both girls in the sand, Caroline holding up a bag of foam balls. They played hard for over two hours and were worn out... both slept very soundly that night! The neat thing about the sand here was that it didn't get stuck all over us, yet it was still able to be packed into mounds pretty well. It must have had something in it... cornstarch? The whole place had a pirate theme, as you may be able to tell.

And here is Cecilia at dinner. We went to Stevi B's, which is a pizza buffet that is so much better than Cici's Pizza. It is basically the same other than the pizza tastes better and is less greasy, and the atmosphere is a bit nicer (quieter!) than Cici's. It was a nice way to spend our afternoon and evening!

1 comment:

  1. We love Stevi B's lol!

    And I was rolling with the Pirate Santa...I'm rather glad she saw Santa in it instead :)es
