Saturday, December 12, 2009

Celebrating Saint Lucia Day!

St. Lucia's feast day fell on Sunday (December 13) this year, so we celebrated on Saturday. I made our yummy Lucia bread again to have for breakfast. I use half whole wheat flour and sub Sucanat for the sugar, and it comes out very nicely. I also have found that only about half the glaze is needed. This recipe is so easy but looks like it is very complex! You just have to figure in enough time for rising, so I made it on Friday evening to have ready for breakfast on Saturday. The dough is very smooth and supple, perfect for shaping. This will be a fun baking project for the girls when they are a bit older... and if they hadn't already been in bed when I made it, the dough would have been great for their little hands to knead and roll!

We also made St. Lucia crowns on Friday. This is a Swedish custom - legend has it that St. Lucia wore a wreath of candles on her head to light her way while carrying food to the poor. We also colored a St. Lucia paper doll from this website and read Hanna's Christmas during the week.

Modeling their crowns... Caroline holds up one of her favorite Christmas books from the library.

Cecilia helped with her crown just a bit... she stuck a few of the leaves on after her sister put some glue on them!

The most fun part for the girls is lighting the candles on our bread wreath... they just love this part!

Happy St. Lucia Day!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I'm a new reader (thanks to Kris for passing your blog onto me - I have two little girls too, so she was thinking I'd love this site - and I do). I just wanted to thank you for posting these pics and sharing your ideas. This year is the first year (for all the seasons of our Church) I've been diving in to these lovely traditions and really learning about these feast days and saints, and I totally have ideas for next year. What a fabulous way to remember St. Lucy and teach our children. I'm hoping to do more every day, no matter the season and your ideas are so wonderful. Thanks for living your faith loud and clear!

    Blessed Advent to you!!
