Monday, November 30, 2009

Our Calendar

I have mentioned before how I am making saint magnets to place on our magnetic calendar. Here's a photo of how a month looks when it is complete. Each day, Caroline (and sometimes Cecilia) puts up the date magnet and the saint, if there is one that day. The saints are put up according to their feast days on the New Calendar of the Catholic Church. The saint stickers were for the Traditional calendar, making a bit of work for me... but it has been fun.

Here is a close-up. You can also see how we have cut out a tiny strip of paper with a priest's name on it and stuck it under the date magnet (I left a little extra strip of the paper to the right of each name and that part is under the date magnet). These names are from a list of diocesan priests which our archbishop has published so that we can pray for a priest each day during this jubilee Year of the Priest. The calendar hangs by our dining room table, so it is easy to refer to it each evening when we say our Prayer for Priests before dinner. Our dowel rod priest also sits nearby, making it easy to change the estments according to the day. For instance, today was the Memorial of St. Andrew, Apostle - since he was a martyr, the priest's vestments were red today.


  1. That's awesome!

    Really, the things you do with your girls are so neat. I can only hope to glean some ideas from you for the days when we have children!

  2. Erin,
    Love the calendar. It's been on my short list of things to do for a while. Princess is starting to understand and remember different Saints and I think this would make a great addition in our house. Now I just need to find the time. How long did it take for you to make this?

  3. Gleaning ideas is the way to go... that is what I do! Why reinvent the wheel, right? It is fun to come up with original ideas as well, but usually time-consuming...

    Sue, I had the magnetic calendar for awhile, and I have been making the saint magnets slowly... I have them done through December (and I began with September or October, I think). When a new month is approaching, I will spend maybe an hour making the magnets for the month. The hard part is that they are stickers based on the Traditional calendar, and I have been adapting them for the New calendar, which means that there is not a saint for every day, and there are some stickers left over. I have to use a new calendar to cross-reference the dates and find the correct stickers for each month. Many saints have the same feast days, but many do not... it has been interesting to see the differences in the two calendars. I was shocked that the Solemnity of Christ the King was not in the stickers for the Traditional calendar... not at all!! So we have no Christ the King magnet!
