Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Daybook for November 25, 2009 - Thanksgiving Week!

Outside my window... our chickens dust-bathing. Well, that was yesterday. Now I don't know what's outside my window because we are at my parents' house for Thanksgiving.

If you look closely, you can see the hollows in the dust left by the chickens

We also added two new hens! They are barred rocks also, but they are kinda ugly - their combs are still very, very short. they will grow and redden when they get closer to laying age...

Caroline named them Molly and More. They are being hazed by the other chickens and are not allowed to get near the feeder... poor things have to eat when the others go to bed! Otherwise, they just live on the roost all day...

I am thinking...that I am surprised at how long my anniversary flowers are lasting! I have been re-cutting the stems every few days, so maybe that helps.

I am wondering... what to get Caroline for Christmas. I have ideas and really need to finalize them.

I am thankful... for yummy food being prepared in the kitchen tonight and tomorrow!

Learning at home... just the usual:

peeling squash and rearranging the seeds (sensory and fine motor activities)

pretending to be passengers on the Mayflower (social studies)

homemade balance beam (physical education)

pouring, digging, sand play... oops, left the sandbox lid off (more sensory activities)

From the kitchen... just made pumpkin and pecan pies, Knorr spinach dip (Maureen, are you jealous? ;), and I am sure there will be more cooking tomorrow, like the turkey brining in the cooler right now.

I am reading... blogs, Advent planning lists...

To live the liturgical year... gearing up for Advent. We had St. Cecilia's feast day a few days back, but we didn't celebrate it as her name day yet since she's not even 2 yet... plus it was Christ the King Sunday, so Caroline made a Christ the King craft for a centerpiece. This Sunday, we will get out the Advent wreath and other stuff. We also started a new thing last week... our Archbishop has a list of diocesan priests published on their website to remember in prayer each day in this Year of the Priest. So we have them printed out and cut a name out each day, which we attach to our magnetic calendar to remind us to pray for each day's specific priest when we say our evening prayer for Priests.

I am creating... still working on the seals.. one is finished another to go. I've also been creating Advent/Christmas lists, gift lists, shopping lists...

Around the house... when we get back home, setting up Advent stuff. Around "The House," we are cooking!

I am hearing... my husband, my "baby" brother, and my Dad watching Jay Leno... well, I think my dad is actually sleeping.

One of my favorite things... spending time with family and helping cook big meals!

A few plans for the rest of the week... lots of eating! My brother and his wife are coming tomorrow too. Then on Friday evening, Chris and I will go out to eat for a late anniversary celebration. Since we are in Atlanta now, we can go to a restaurant here after the girls are in bed while my parents are home to be with them if they wake up. Otherwise, I need to get to Target and/or Bed, Bath, and Beyond to buy diapers (for Cecilia) and a wedding gift. Doing that on Black Friday should be lots of fun, huh?

A picture (video, actually) thought I am sharing...

1 comment:

  1. AAAHH!! I am sooo jealous!!!!!!!! (hahahaha!) I love that stuff!!
