Sunday, October 18, 2009

Daybook for October 18, 2009

Outside my window... a cold day! Well, cold for October... it was in the 50s much of the time. But it was actually a clear, crisp, blue sky kind of fall day... we haven't had many of those so far!

I am thinking... about doing Why Do I posts on extended breastfeeding and taking children to Mass.

I am wondering... if, now that my husband has hung wires and ropes from the roof to trees all across our backyard and drilled a hole in our sunroom wall, I will be allowed to hang up my license plate collection as a border around the sunroom. I have about 50 old license plates, from Maine to California.

I am thankful... that we still have two chickens. More details in a later post, maybe tomorrow.

Learning at home... Cecilia is counting randomly ("three, four, five, six, two!"), sings Five Little Pumpkins sitting on a Gate ("woooo wind, out light, five punkuns wool sight!"), and is learning the words to "Never Gonna Give You Up." Caroline is writing (like a welcome sign for her grandparents that said "WLCOCOM" on it), visualizing addition and subtraction mentally ("five squirrels live there... two are the parents, so they have three kids"), and her drawings become more and more realistic all the time. My husband is learning how to string copper wire in trees in order to talk to people in Arizona and how to hold chickens under one arm.

From the kitchen... hoping to make a pumpkin recipe or two this week... pumpkin brownies, perhaps, and maybe pumpkin muffins or cookies (with chocolate chips, of course!). Not much else - I want to make some hummus sometime. We'll be out of town from Wednesday through Saturday, so I'll be hanging out in Mom's kitchen!

I am reading... Attached at the Heart - slowly but surely, still.

To live the liturgy... I have made saint magnets for several days now - almost through November. Caroline has been putting them on the calendar on the appropriate days.

I am creating... La Leche League meeting plans. Okay, I created those last week, but we need to decide if they need to be tweaked before Tuesday's meeting.

Around the house... laundry needs to be done tomorrow and Tuesday so I can pack. Didn't change the sheets this weekend... will do on Wednesday so we come home to fresh sheets next weekend!

I am hearing... I should just remove this one from the list. All I ever say is that I hear the baby monitor, Chris on the ham radio, and computer noises...

One of my favorite things... spending time with extended family!

A few plans for the rest of the week... Busy, busy. I volunteer at Caroline's Mothers' Morning Out tomorrow, then Tuesday is our LLL meeting, more Mothers' Morning Out on Wednesday (Caroline's regular day), then heading to Atlanta that afternoon... where we have a costume parade and dinner at my mom's preschool along with my traditional trips to Trader Joe's, Whole Foods, Target... and possibly IKEA this time as well!

A picture thought I am sharing...

Caroline at the pumpkin patch story/song time at her mothers' morning out program

Cecilia loving her Gran goodbye

Hope everybody has a nice week!

1 comment:

  1. My dh has recently gotten into ham radio! Oh my gosh, he's driving me crazy with it, lol...
