Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Labor Day 2009

We had a fun family day for Labor Day this year. First, we all went to the playground so the girls could run around for about an hour before lunch. Then we went the to the Knights of Columbus Labor Day BBQ. which they do annually as a fundraiser. It is hugely popular in our town... we got there a little before noon and got some barbequed pork and chicken along with baked beans, brunswick stew, and Texas toast. The youth group also has a bake sale there, so we gave them a little business as well.

Then it was on to the lake!

Isn't it in a pretty spot? It is between the mountains. The lake is about 20 minutes from our house, over a mountain. The orange tubing out in the water marks the swimming area.

Caroline kicking along

Cecilia enjoying floating in the water - still a water bug!

Caroline was quite the water bug as well!

I dug a "seal pool" for the girls... they are still loving the toy seals from Target's dollar spot. Best $2 I've spent in a long time... Cecilia promptly sat in the pool, of course.

After the lake, we stopped at Chick-fil-A for their free chicken sandwich promotion yesterday - wear a sports team logo to the restaurant and get a free sandwich! And that wrapped up our family fun day!

I hope everyone else had a nice Labor Day this year!!

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