Monday, September 28, 2009

Daybook for September 28, 2009

Outside my window... it feels great! A nice fall day, and I opened the windows far too late in the day! The chickens are asleep, although Chris has had to help them get onto their roost every night so far!

I am thinking... that insurance companies would save a nice chunk of change if they stopped covering birth control. Hmm, maybe a future post will elaborate on this.

I am wondering... if these people are going to come pick up our old mattress. I am starting to really dislike Freecycle - these will be the second no-shows on the mattress.

I am thankful... for the beginning of fall!

Learning at home... the chickens are our latest and ongoing hands-on learning experience.

From the kitchen... Beer in the rear chicken, roasted rosemary potatoes, and yellow squash casserole. I'm going to attempt French onion soup later in the week, along with more homemade pesto from the last of the basil in the garden.

I am reading... Attached at the Heart - slowly but surely. And Family Foundations magazine (from the Couple to Couple League, a Catholic NFP organization).

To live the liturgy... Big week of feast days! Tomorrow is the Feast of the Archangels (Michaelmas), and we will be having a blackberry angel food cake trifle to celebrate, along with angel hair pasta and carrots with our dinner. For more info on this day and the foods, see this link. Then St. Theresa's memorial is on Thursday, and the Feast of the Guardian Angels is on Friday... we'll be having more angel hair, topped with pesto as a main dish. St. Francis's memorial is on Sunday, and I have checked out these books from our local library to put in the book basket for October.

I am creating... October circle time plans. Well, I am tweaking and finalizing them. I'm also getting supplies ready for an angel craft for Caroline tomorrow.

Around the house... The guest room is finished!! Anyone who wants to stay overnight will now have a place to sleep... if somebody would come and get the stinkin' mattress, that is! There is also plenty of laundry to be done, of course.

I am hearing... the sound from some computer game Chris is playing and the crickets outside.

One of my favorite things... chai!

A few plans for the rest of the week... nothing again! Just MMO on Wednesday for Caroline and our various chores and feast day celebrations. Some friends from church are having their daughter baptized this Sunday at Mass, followed by a reception in the parish hall, so we are looking forward to that. I love seing the babies become children of God! :)

A picture thought I am sharing...

Double time... two pigtails, two cups of water (she had hidden one cup in a toy barn and I gave up searching and filled up a second cup... then we found the first one!)

Have a wonderful week, everybody!

1 comment:

  1. For St. Teresa - you can make St. Teresa's bread - here's a link:

    St.Teresa's bread:

    Looks yummy!!
