Friday, September 04, 2009

August Birthdays Weekend!

We recently took an extended weekend trip to Tennessee to visit Chris's family. Here's an aerial shot of the cousins playing with Chris's old Little People car garage!

Check out this gorgeous cake - it was made by a former neighbor of the Lewis family who is now all grown up and makes cakes professionally!

Look at how tall it was!!!

Next, we have some random shots of those of us who have August birthdays... There were about four different cameras going here, so we are all looking in various directions and never at the correct camera, of course.

Cecilia eats her cake, er, her Purely Os and puffed kamut

Everybody eating cake and handing out/reading birthday cards. Cecilia had moved to a confined location due to a request for blueberries.

Caroline delivers a birthday card to Grandad

After the cake, Caroline showed Great Uncle Larry and Great Aunt Shirley some of the toys downstairs, like the vintage My Little Ponies.

Rub a dub dub, three cousins in a tub
(the only shot with all three of them looking)

On the way home, we stopped at the children's museum in Murfreesboro. It is only $5 each for admission, with Cecilia still being free until age 2. Much cheaper than the CDM in Chattanooga! Cecilia really liked the toy tiger that we found in the water play area.

Caroline opens up some gates for her boat to pass through

Water, water, everywhere! (click on photo to get the full effect!)

There is a new section in which the kids can deliver mail to various stores and houses. There is a little post office with bags and a big mailbox, and each little building has a mailbox on the outside. Looks like Cecilia is delivering Kroger's mail to Home Depot.

Caroline loads up a bag full of envelopes

Cecilia enjoys the music store

Cecilia meets some turtles

Firefighter Caroline

Cecilia in the fossil dig area... she loves to play with little rocks and is generally good about not trying to eat them.

One of the favorite parts... the big twirly slide that goes from the second floor down to the first floor. The sign says the slide is not recommended for children under age two, but then again, the very same type of slide in the CDM says it is for ages 18 months and up. Cecilia handled it just fine - twice! She is pretty adventurous about things like this!

The morning at the museum wore them out enough that they both napped for over an hour on the way home - a rarity! Cecilia actually woke up a couple times but went right back to sleep with some singing from me, she was still so exhausted from all the playing!

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