Saturday, August 22, 2009

Oldest Parish in America!

We visited the cathedral in downtown St. Augustine after the Our lady of La Leche shrine. It is beautiful!! It is also amazing to be inside and realize that this is the first Catholic church built in the United States - wow!

This is the altar at the front of the church - very pretty, very high ceilings...

We stopped by the tabernacle, where I reminded Cecilia to genuflect... and she did, for an extended period of time! I knelt beside her and said a quick prayer, and she remained kneeling there, hands folded, still! Wow, she's so reverent, I thought... until I realized a few minutes later that she was actually just pooping in her diaper.

The red candle hanging above the area in which the tabernacle is located

The artwork above the tabernacle is gorgeous - it is a mosaic-type picture of the Last Supper. Very detailed and beautiful!

Raising these two precious souls in the Catholic faith is an experience that becomes more profound for me each day. What a blessing it is to be able to share with them all the aspects of our faith and to get to visit places such as this, where Jesus is present!

1 comment:

  1. HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE the pooping in her diaper thing! so funny! Great pictures!
