Saturday, August 15, 2009

Mini Golf Night Out!

Chris and I hadn't gone out together in the evening in quite a while... in fact, the night Cecilia was born was the last time, if that really counts, ha ha. Since she has recently been sleeping through the evening every night, we decided to take advantage of having my parents available when we were at the beach. Tim wanted to go play mini-golf, and mini-golf is hard for me to turn down! So, once both girls were asleep on Wednesday evening, the three of us headed to Fiesta Falls (yes, Bridgette, if you are reading this... that's right: the very same Fiesta Falls there in St. Augustine Beach!).

Tim and Chris struck this pose with far less reluctance than one might have expected, especially considering that they knew I'd most likely put it on my blog. I guess this is what one does when faced with boredom... there were about five other groups in front of us when we first started to play the course. I'd never seen mini-golf so crowded before! I'd also never paid so much for mini-golf before... it cost $7.95 per person!! Isn't that crazy?!?? Or is it just that I haven't gone mini-golfing since about, oh, 2003 maybe? Perhaps the prices have steadily risen... I just remember it costing about $4.00 last time I went!

Chris lost his green golf ball under this bush and tried to find it. The light blue ball in the picture is the one we found. A magic bush - it turns golf balls different colors!!

Tim, you are the one who posed for the picture willingly, so don't complain! ;) Tim decided that this pole looked like a giant scratching post, so he pretended to be a cat. I will spare you all the video of the same.

And here's Chris and I in the little gazebo-type thing along the course. We had fun feeling like high schoolers/college kids again, being goofy on a mini-golf course! And, well, Tim continued enjoying being a college kid, ha ha!


  1. Aren't younger brothers fun? Something about their hilarious randomness :)

  2. ha! Last time we went out all by ourselves was when I was in labor with Tess. :)

    I agree, that's some expensive minigolf! We went recently, but I don't know what it cost...we had gift cards so it was all free to us.
