Thursday, July 09, 2009

Red, White, and Blue Desserts!

We forgot to get the yogurt pops out during our cookout... probably better that way, since we had two other desserts (one of them unexpected... Chris brought one home from work on Friday). The girls love these "popsicles" and eat them like crazy!

They are made from plain yogurt, strawberries, and blueberries. Sometimes I throw it all in the blender, but I wanted them to be festive instead of purple... A few years ago, I pureed strawberries and blueberries separately and then layered them with the white yogurt to make red, white, and blue stripes:

That was two years ago! How little Caroline was...

And you can't really tell, but blueberry rhubarb crumble starts out being red and blue but turns purple after baking... add a dollop of vanilla ice cream, and there you have it! Yum!

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