Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Independence Day 2009

We had a traditional July 4th cookout with burgers, hot dogs, and cole slaw. We had some good friends over who had just had their fifth baby on Monday! Caroline and I began preparing a few days ahead. We made a tablecloth for the kids' table - we used red and blue markers, Do-a-dots, and stars punched out of construction paper.

I taped two big white pieces of paper together to make a simple (and disposable!) tablecloth. Caroline and I decorated it here and there over two days.

And here Caroline shows off our "one-cut stars." If you fold the paper correctly, and then make the cut correctly (which was my repeated problem!), then you get a star shape with just one two-inch cut.

I did nearly all the cutting... eight layers of construction paper were too much for Caroline to cut through. She did most of the hole punching, and then we strung them on a long piece of yarn to make a star garland, which we would hang outside on the day of the cookout.

I completely forgot to take photos during the cookout, so here's the aftermath:

The wind won out against the stars... they got all bunched up despite the way I had spread them out after hanging the yarn between the house and the tree.

Hope everyone had a wonderful Independence Day!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, we made starts like that! Not with one cut, but they look the same,,,we made a garland for the top of the piano. :)

    Love the fairy treehouse, how pretty!
