Sunday, June 14, 2009

Homemade Felt Board

I am planning to make several sets of felt figures that go along with stories for use on our felt board. As I tell a story, Caroline and I can put the figures up on the board, and she can also use them to retell the stories herself. To begin with, I made a felt board by taping some cardboard together and then covering it with felt. I didn't buy enough black... oops. So I used some brown... it can be the dirt, right?

Here's the back... it is reinforced with another square of cardboard.

I made figures for the story The Gigantic Turnip. For some, I sketched a outline out on the back of the felt before cutting them, like this cow. Others I just cut freehand, like the cats.

Here's a pig - I used puffy paint to make the facial features. It has been a long time since I've used puffy paint!!

And here are all the characters lined up, trying to pull up the giant turnip. Excuse the lack of eyes on the cats... I thought they'd look better with green eyes, and I don't have that color.

Just a quick glimpse at something fun we have been doing lately!

1 comment:

  1. cute I love felt stories and I make my own too my boys love it and as early childhood teacher we use them all of the time in my class :)
