Sunday, May 31, 2009

Can somebody help here?

Somebody with some fashion sense, that is? ;)

Cute skirt, huh? It is a hand-me-down for Caroline... if I can figure out how to put it on her, that is! I assume the above photo is the front of the skirt... right?

Here's what makes me unsure... this photo shows the back if I flipped the skirt over from the position in the top photo. The elastic is now centered, but the tag is in a really weird position, is it not?

And here is how it looks if I center the tag, the way you'd think it should be... doesn't look right at all now, does it? The elastic waist part is all skewed now.



  1. i would try and get it on her and just see if it seems to fit better in one position or another. that is weird though, the way it's tagged/cut.

  2. sandra8:30 AM

    you may be able to look at both sides and determine where the seat part is. the seat should have a bit more fabric than the front.

  3. I've seen tags on the side.... I would just put it on her and go with what looks best on her and not worry about the tag :)

  4. Since it is "Landsend" perhaps it was purchased from their "Not Quite Right" clearance section? That could explain the tag being in a funny place. The top picture does look like the front. That's funny!
