Sunday, July 19, 2009

Pay it Forward

Okay, I am bumping this post back up to the top to see if I can get any more takers... so far, I have one winner and need two more. I got my own special package from Jessica in the mail this week and it reminded me that I should re-post this and see if I can "pay it forward" to three people as well.

Here's what was waiting for me in my mailbox this week - aren't they great?? Caroline loves them and has been playing with them frequently!

Wooden Saints - St. Cecilia, St. Catherine of Sienna, and St. Nicholas

I am not sure what gift I will be making (and I can't guarantee it will be as cute as the above figures, although I have made one before myself), but I have a few ideas, especially for items that can be used by children! If you don't have little kids, you can still join in, although I have no idea yet what I will make for you... but I will come up with something, probably edible. :)

:: The Rules ::

I will send a handmade gift to the first three people who leave a comment to this post on my blog requesting to join this Pay it Forward Exchange. There is already one comment, so two more commenters will get something!

All the gifts will be made and mailed out sometime within the next year. How exciting to not know when your surprise package will arrive!

What you need to do in return is pay it forward by making the same promise on your blog.

This Exchange is only open to those with active websites or blogs.

Have fun!!


  1. What a blessed idea! Thanks for paying it forward.

    Pax -

  2. I am so glad that they arrived safely! I started to second guess myself for sending them in such a small box. I hope you enjoy them!
