Friday, April 24, 2009

Caroline's Baptism Anniversary - April 17

Celebrating our children's baptism anniversary is a tradition I would like to begin in our family.  We hadn't done it before this year.  Caroline's baptism was on April 17, 2005.  We made a pound cake and then frosted it with homemade whipped cream.

Caroline suggested I write on the cake using a toothpick - so I wrote "Caroline's Baptism Day" and even though it didn't show up all that well, the words were there, and that is all that mattered to Caroline!

We set the table in white... we had already used our white tablecloth for Easter on Wednesday when we had our seminarian over for dinner.  We also set out the white china and got out Caroline's baptismal candle, which we lit before our prayer at dinner.  Then we had her blow it out shortly thereafter, knowing that we shouldn't leve it lit too long if we are going to be lighting it every year!

Caroline found this flower randomly growing behind a pine tree in our yard and picked it to bring in to use as a centerpiece.

We were lucky that Caroline's godfather (my brother) and his wife were able to come for dinner.  In the future, I may have a bowl of holy water on the table and have everyone use it to make the sign of the cross as a reminder of our own baptisms.  I was excited to begin this new family tradition for our children!

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