Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Oh, and I guess I should mention...

Cecilia is walking! She took her first steps about two weeks ago, and now she's pretty confident with walking - although she still prefers to crawl most of the time since it is quite a bit faster! But in the last few days, she has acted like she really enjoys practicing her new skill (as opposed to collapsing every time I stood her up like she was doing at first!), and so I guess it will only be a matter of time before she prefers walking over crawling...

I will post a picture sometime. I don't think I have even taken one... bad mommy. Don't worry though, I got her first steps on video! If I could figure out how to post a clip here that would be ideal.


  1. Woohoo! Go Cecilia!

  2. Oh boy! lol....
    It's funny, I really worked with Jack and Maria to encourage them to crawl and walk. I'm not doing this with Tess at all. Is that bad? lol...I'm kind of dreading her learning to crawl...the floor is too messy. There's always legos and stuff lurking under furniture or in the corners.
