Saturday, March 07, 2009

A Catholic Brain-Teaser

Caroline has been loving her CD of Catholic children's songs. One song is about St. Tarcisius. Caroline, being three, often mishears lyrics and sings them as such. Yesterday, we were listening to her CD in the van and the St. Tarcisius song came on. She sang, "and he held three pigs close to his heart..." Based on the image above, those must've been three very small pigs, ha ha!

So, let's see who can guess what Caroline meant? Those who know their Catholic saints, if you think you know what the lyrics really said based on Caroline's interpretation, then leave your guess in the comments. I would offer a prize, but I don't think that many people will guess anyway, so I probably won't. If I had a holy card of St. Tarcisius, I'd offer it as a prize...

Oh, and you can still guess if you are not sanints-knowledgeable Catholic, although you might have to do some quick online research!


  1. That is too funny!

    I don't have that CD, but I do know the story of St. Tarcisius... Did she mean "Holy Eucharist"??

  2. The words that she heard as "three pigs" were supposed to be "the pyx" - the container the Eucharist is carried in.

    My seminarian baby brother should have gotten this one! Caroline told him over the phone before he could figure it out!

    So yes, St. Tarcisius was carrying the Eucharist, not pigs, ha ha!

  3. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Lets create a world record for india. And now show the world how sharp we really are.just start solving blocks of the largest online puzzle ever created -100 blocks and 25000 pieces. But before you begin, do pour yourself a cup of Lipton Yellow Lable tea. The Natural Theanine in it will keep you sharp and ensure a good start go to
