Friday, February 13, 2009

Big Stuff and the First Sign of Spring

Here's our first sign of spring... the yellow daffodils always bloom first around here, and it seems like they are in everyone's yards. They die off pretty much as soon as they finish blooming, but they are pretty while they last. Caroline picked a few of them so we could bring them in and have a centerpiece on our table. We have been having temperatures in the mid 60s recently... hopefully our blueberry bushes won't get confused gain like they did in 2007, when they began to grow during an early heat wave and then promptly died when the temps went back below freezing (as is normal in March!).

The girls examined these daffodils closely... Cecilia looked and did not try to grab them, surprisingly. This is just one patch we have of them - there are ore that grow around our little pond.

And look at this big girl (disregard the snotty nose, please)! She is not only standing alone - for a long period of time - but she got herself into this position with nothing around her! in other words, she went from sitting to standing position on her own. Now, she is not walking... Caroline walked for months before she could get herself upright without pulling up on something. Cecilia has chosen a different order in which to do things. She did take one small step while standing here, but she still does not seem quite sure of how to move while upright. She is mighty pleased with herself for being so big, though!

She likes to get upright, then squat down, then stand up straight again, over and over. She also will squat so low that she puts both hands on the ground, and then straightens her legs and looks upside-down through her legs.

Here's that teeny little step I mentioned...

I'm big stuff now! Soon I'll be able to keep up with Sister!


  1. Your girls (and the daffodils) are lovely. Keep up the good work.

  2. I can't wait till Spring! This has been such a cold winter for us. (even though the kids would argue that they have had virtually no snow) The flowers and your daughters look beautiful! :-)

  3. Awww,,,great pics! We planted daffodils in the fall and we have some green growning but no flowers yet!
