Sunday, November 30, 2008


We had four Thanksgiving feasts this year - I am not kidding. First, we went to Chris's office potluck the week before Thanksgiving. Then we had a Thanksgiving potluck at our moms' group. The Monday before Thanksgiving was the feast at caroline's Mothers' Morning Out program. then we had the real deal on Thursday.

Caroline is wearing her Indian vest while waiting to be served at the feast in her classroom. She wanted to wear her vest agaion on the real day too, so we packed it and brought it with us to her grandparents' house. Then neither of us remembered it and currently it's in a bag of Christmas gifts in a closet that we left in Tennessee. Whoops.

One of Caroline's teachers took this picture of us together at the feast... while she was holding Cecilia. Very talented. At this particular feast, some of the foods we had were turkey sandwiches, grapes, carrot sticks, cookies, and this really yummy cream cheese chocoltae chip ball that we could spread on crackers.

Thanksgiving Day was in Tennessee at Gran and Grandad's house. They wore turkey clothes - a turkey shirt for Caroline and a turkey bib for Cecilia. Caroline and Cecilia enjoyed turkey - Cecilia had a tiny bit as her first taste of meat ever. Caroline preferred the ham, I think, and she loved Gran's chocolate pecan pie, of course!

1 comment:

  1. matt's first meat was turkey at his first thanksgiving and he hated it! still remember that priceless expression... and he still isn't a huge meat eater. not sure if that was the cause or the first sign. ;)

    the girls are precious! caroline looks like such a good big sister. i'm glad y'all are doing well. we miss you!

