Sunday, October 26, 2008

Our friends are moving :(

We had a going away party yesterday evening for our friends who are moving to Iowa. Caroline and Matthew are only a month apart in age and have known each other since they were about five months old. They have been best buddies for three years now (well, as much as babies can actually be friends). We met at La Leche League and from there joined some playgroups. This party was thrown by our moms group.

Here's Ryan enjoying the view while we all eat dinner. We had a pot luck type meal, with chili and hot dogs as the main course... good fall food!

Caroline and Matthew had a blast playing with the balloons.

Amy, our moms group leader, gave a card to Kara that we all signed. We will miss them so much! But we're happy for them, as they will be living much closer to their extended families once they move. We wish them all the best as they embark on this transistion in their lives!

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