Monday, October 20, 2008

Flower Girl

Caroline was the flower girl for my brother's wedding this past weekend. Uncle Mike is her godfather as well as her uncle. She had never been a flower girl before and was excited to get to wear a pretty dress and drop flower petals down the aisle!

Here she is admiring her dress while she waits to be in some pre-wedding photos.

She was so mature about the whole thing... she went with the bridesmaids willingly when thy needed her for photos, she kept the petals in the basket until the time came to drop them, and she kept her hairbows on... a major accomplishment in and of itself!

And here she is walking down the aisle. I was in the front and on the side as she walked down, so I didn't get a good view of her, but I got a perfect view of my dad crying... so I got teary-eyed, too. She was so beautiful, and it felt so special to have her participate in such an important part of family life: a marriage, a sacrament.

And, of course, I am going on and on about my daughter... but here is the happy couple, my brother and his bride:The ceremony was beautiful, as was the bride! And what a beautiful setting for a wedding - so gorgeous, especially in the fall!

And here's Caroline dancing with the groom as a final shot:


  1. Anonymous10:27 PM

    Erin, she is just beautiful! How proud you must be. :-)))

  2. How precious. Our children surprise us with our grown up they can be sometimes.

  3. How sweet....I lhat last photo, especially. :)
