Thursday, October 16, 2008

At the Pumpkin Patch

There is a pumpkin patch at the church where Caroline goes to Mother's Morning Out once a week. The classes each visited the patch this week. Some of the parents came, like me, obviously. The kids listened to stories and sang songs, then watched their class pumpkin get carved. Cecilia and her buddy Ryan enjoyed sitting with the pumpkins and playing with (er, trying to eat) the hay.
Caroline and Matthew are in the same class. Caroline wasn't wanting to pose for the camera.

Sadly, this is probably the best picture I got of her, and I took just over 100 pictures! She was curious about these bumpy pumpkins.

Cecilia remained her usual laid-back, photogenic self.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:32 PM

    Your girls are both gorgeous! I love the one of Caroline by the bumpy pumpkins! Her smile is so sweet and natural. And, of course, Cecelia is just precious. :-)
