Saturday, September 06, 2008

La Leche League Family Cookout

Our LLL family cookout was a success! We had seven families come to our house for the event, which was our group's way of celebrating World Breastfeeding Week (which was in August, but schedules and illness moved us into September). We had a Mexican-themed lunch cookout: fajitas cooked on the grill! We did beef and chicken, and I got tortillas from Trader Joe's, one of my all-time favorite stores. Everyone brought sides and toppings: cheese, mushrooms, peppers, sour cream, guacamole... yum!!

I tried to come up with a variety of activities for the kids outside, who ranged from 18 months to four years old (not counting the babies under one year):

an easel and markers, which these siblings enjoyed together

a large inflatable pool for swimming and splashing

a baby pool, which Cecilia and an eight month old baby enjoyed thoroughly

Caroline's sandbox and a bunch of shovels, buckets, and other sand toys

the Cozy Coupe car, especially enjoyed by this little guy.

We also had the bubble mower, Caroline's swing, and various balls and frisbees. I had considered getting out sidewalk chalk and bubbles as well, but they really didn't seem to be needed. The kids all seemed to have a great time playing outside together. Too bad Caroline doesn't have this kind of entertainment every day ;) She really had a great time - her favorite was pouring and splashing water from the pool with the two four year old girls. They liked watering the neighbor's plants with cups of water.

We had a great time providing a time for all our breastfeeding families to get together, relax, eat, have the kids play and the dads meet... although it was a bit stressful getting the meat prepped and the food all organized, the results were worth it. We thoroughly enjoyed spending time with all these wonderful families. Being a LLL Leader has been a blessing for me in that I get to know several wonderful families in this area.

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