Monday, September 15, 2008

Caroline is taking Spanish!

A friend of mine who graduated from Berry a year ahead of me and goes to my church is offering preschool Spanish classes once a week in her home. She is an Education major with a minor in Spanish. She has four children, two girls close in ge to Caroline. We sing Spanish songs, listen to Spanish books, and do crafts and activities. It's a nice way to do something semi-formal in the way of learning, and of course it is nice just to get together with some other moms. Today we talked about animals, Caroline was pretty shy, but excitedly shouted, "Monkey!" when Beth asked the kids if they knew which animal was a "mono." She's been singing one of the songs and asking me to count to ten with her in Spanish. Hopefully just a little exposure to another language will be helpful to my child who already expresses great interest in the English language!
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1 comment:

  1. that's awesome! what a great activity for her. matt is taking german this year at his preschool. not sure if it's as practical as spanish, but at least it's exposure to another language. good luck caroline! ~kate
