Friday, July 04, 2008

Independence Day 2008

We celebrated on the 4th by going to the First Friday concert downtown. I dressed the girls in red, white, and blue outfits. Cecilia is wearing the dress that Caroline wore on her first Independence Day. We took a picnic dinner of pita sandwiches, tomato mozzerella basil salad, and some other things that I can't remember. ;) There were inflatables from Sparkles set up along a closed portion of the street. Caroline seemed nervous about all the big kids at first, but then she did fine. We got a $5 bracelet so she could go on the inflatables over and over. So, a small price to pay for otherwise free family etertainment.

Cecilia enjoyed the music, and she even took a little nap despite the blasting music (yay for nursing in the sling!! :). We didn't go see the fireworks at Ridge Derry - too late for us, starting at 9:30. Maybe another year.

I hope everyone had a festive holiday!

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