Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter 2008

We went to my parents' house for Easter. We attended Mass with them and then Caroline looked for Easter eggs hidden by Grampa and Daddy. Gramma bought Caroline's dress for her earlier this year. Easter was early again this year, just as it was the year Caroline was born. Supposedly, it will not be this early again for some number of decades!

Aside from hunting for eggs, Caroline's other favorite activity this year was making Resurrection Rolls. We made a basic bread dough recipe to start (I made a whole wheat dough although the recipe says use white - they turned out fine). We then took large marshmallows and dipped them in melted butter, then rolled them in a little cinnamon-sugar mixture. I explained to Caroline that the marshmallow is like Jesus, and the butter and cinnamon-sugar represent the oils and spices they used to anoint his body before they laid him in the tomb. Then we wrapped a piece of dough around each marshmallow, which represents the tomb. We baked them in the oven - we did this on Good Friday, the day before we went to my parents' house - and then we ate them on Easter morning with our breakfast. When we bit into the rolls, they were hollow - the tomb was empty! I thought it was a neat idea, and Caroline really seemed to "get" it.

Grampa hid the eggs in some of his old clever hiding places where he used to hide them for my brothers and me. They did several hunts, one where he hid all the eggs along the bushes in front of the house - all in plain view, one after another. The basket was not only my Easter basket when I was little, but it was also my mom's! I don't know what we'll use for Cecilia's basket...

Happy Easter!!


  1. Anonymous9:04 PM

    erin, i can't believe i have never heard of resurrection rolls. we are totally doing that next easter. awesome idea.

  2. I went back and hotlinked to the place I found the recipe!
