Monday, April 24, 2006

We went to the La Leche League conference in Atlanta this past weekend. it was great! The speakers and topics were wonderful - lots of good information about parenting in general. There were so many fun things to buy - cloth diapers, various carriers, toys... I managed to only spend $28! The conference was at a hotel downtown and lasted two days. On the second day, Caroline wore a shirt displaying the message: "Breastmilk - the real comfort proteins." We rode MARTA both days to get there to avoid the gas money and outrageous parking fees (that's what we're doing in the photo). Caroline LOVED the MARTA train! When we said, "We're going to ride the train!" she would respond with, "Eeeeeee!" That translates to "Wheeeeee!" Sorry the pic is out of focus... I guess that's just how fast those MARTA trains go! Posted by Picasa

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